How To Do: Calisthenics Ab Workout And Exercises?
The calisthenics ab workout and exercises can help you get in shape in just a few weeks. If you are looking to lose weight, the calisthenics ab workout can help you shed pounds fast.
A calisthenics ab movement will also improve the quality of your life by reducing stress and improving your health. The exercises are fun to do and the results will be amazing.
They will provide you with a lean body and improved health. You can do them at home and they are also easy to do at the gym or the park.
So, if you want to tone up your abs quickly and efficiently then this movement is the perfect option for you.
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Are Calisthenics Ab Workouts/Exercises Good For Your Core?
Calisthenics ab exercises may help you get toned, but not enough to be considered the best workout for core training. They may provide some assistance, and burn calories but they’re not going to give you a leaner body or reduce fat on your belly or thighs.
The reason you’d want to perform the calisthenics ab exercises is to target and sculpt your abs, not just burn fat in your stomach area.
The exercises are done on an unstable surface like a floor or a bench or another elevated surface. That’s because your abs need to be anchored on an exercise platform or bar so you don’t sway back and forth or fall off the surface.
Support provides stability for you to perform the calisthenics ab exercises properly and not get injured.
Do Calisthenics Ab Workout Help Build Six-Pack?
The best exercises for building six-pack abs are those that target your core and work your abdominals. The key to developing a six-pack is to strengthen the muscles in your core which stabilize your spine, help to hold up your posture, and protect your lower back.
In a study published in the Journal of Sports Science, it was found that calisthenics increased muscle growth and metabolic rate, leading to more fat loss.
Another study in the same journal showed that calisthenics had a positive effect on body composition, with a reduction in waist circumference and an increase in lean body mass.
Calisthenics is perfect for developing strength, power, and cardio fitness. They’re low-impact, so they won’t stress your joints.
If you want to learn how to lose weight with calisthenics check out our article:
How Often Should You Do Calisthenics Ab Workout?
Calisthenics ab workout might be done quite often if you want to get fit and trim. It is one of the best ways to structure your abs and it is beginner friendly since it is very easy to do, it also helps you to tone your abs.
To improve this workout you can include cardio which will help you burn fat and calories even faster.
To add some variation to this workout you can mix up exercises from day to day. As you work your way up, you’ll likely find you’ll need to increase the reps, sets, or weight that you’re using. This is completely normal and something to look forward to.
The 12 Best Calisthenics Ab Exercises To Include In Your Workout Routine
These exercises are staples in my ab routine, but I’m always looking for new ab exercises to add to my movement schedule. There are so many new ab exercises hitting the market now that it can be difficult to keep track of which ones are worth trying.
So, I’ve put together a list of the best ab exercises that I’ve personally used over the years. These 12 best ab exercises are easy to learn and can be done anywhere and are perfect for anyone who wants to gain maximum muscle strength in minimum time.
1. The Hollow Body Hold
Is one of the best exercises for targeting your core. It strengthens your abs by engaging your abdominal muscles in the hollow body hold and also stimulates your obliques.
Begin by standing tall with your legs shoulder-width apart. Lean forward at your hips with your body leaning backward until you feel a slight stretch in your lower back. Then, use your core strength to push through until you feel a slight pain in your hamstrings.
Then, simply hold this position for a second and repeat the process. Keep the movement steady and controlled and hold your abs tight to avoid excessive muscle tension and strain in your lower back. Once you get comfortable with the hollow body hold, try performing it against resistance such as a weight plate or floor.
2. The Hollow Body Plank
A plank is one of the most functional calisthenics you can include in your exercise routine. It improves your endurance, strength, flexibility, and overall mobility.
This exercise consists of simply holding your body straight up with your elbows close to your sides while lying on your back.
As your body continues to lift, you should feel a pull in the abs which will help activate the muscles in this region. Your core muscles should be engaging throughout the entire exercise. As the exercise continues, focus on squeezing the abdominals and hold the position as long as you can.
3. The L Sit
Is among the best calisthenics ab exercises because of the high degree of core involvement. This is a great exercise for increasing your overall ab strength and endurance.
Once the legs are fully extended, bend forward so that the head is lower than the feet. Now bring the upper body back to the starting position, while keeping the torso and thighs straight. Do not let your hips sag or lower down.
When doing this move you should feel the abdominal muscles contracting and relaxing as you raise and lower yourself.
4. Reverse Crunch
Reverse crunches can help reduce the stomach area, tighten your lower back, and build up your core. You can even do some of these exercises while standing at your desk if you don’t have access to a gym.
While lying on your back, tighten the abs as if you were going to throw a punch, slowly lift your legs then hold for a count of 2, and then slowly lower your legs to a starting position.
5. Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging leg raises should always be performed at the lowest possible level. As the distance from the floor increases, the amount of weight you’re able to lift will go down. Therefore, you’ll want to focus on lifting as much weight as possible while still being comfortable.
The key to performing this exercise correctly is to use the right technique. When standing on the floor, your feet should be shoulder-width apart and placed firmly on the floor. Once you’re comfortable, slowly lower your hips into the position where you’re hanging upside down.
6. The Side Plank
Begin on arms and knees, then raise one arm over the shoulder and reach forward until the body forms a straight line from head to toe.
Bend your knee slightly and pull your hips back and down until the body is in a straight line. Hold for 10 seconds before returning to the starting position.
7. Windshield Wipers
The windshield wiper exercise is usually done to relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and arms and to keep the blood flowing through your arms and fingers. This in turn helps prevent hand cramps.
8. Single-Leg Tuck-up
The most common mistakes with the single-leg tuck-up are not using enough tension and going too far, so it goes past the point where it should go. To execute this move perfectly you have to use your core more than any other move in the series.
Begin by lying flat on your stomach on a mat, facing away from the instructor. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
Bend your knees and bring your feet up under your body. Your legs should form a straight line behind your head, with your heels on top of your shoulders.
9. V-ups
In a V-up, we go down and then up to make a “V” shape with our bodies. In this process, the knees should be bent 90 degrees and the feet should be apart.
10. Kneeling Ab Wheel Rollout
Kneeling abdominal wheel rollout is one of the most popular exercises in the world. If you are looking to improve your abdominal muscles and core strength, this exercise will help you do just that. This abdominal exercise also improves your posture.
To do a wheel roll you need to kneel on the ground and then roll the ab wheel. It helps to tone your back muscles and help with core strength.
11. Situps
Situps are physical exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Situps are performed while lying on your back with your arms crossed over your chest and legs straight. To perform them, begin with your head, neck, and shoulders in the same position as you will when standing up.
12. Bird Dog Pose
The Bird Dog Pose involves you kneeling on one knee, bending your torso towards your right leg while keeping your left leg straight. The right arm should be bent at the elbow and resting on the right leg. Place your hands on your thighs and keep your spine in line with your legs.
This pose helps to improve balance and strengthen muscles in the lower back and abdomen. You may also try doing this pose while sitting
Best Calisthenics Ab Workout Example
These are one of the best calisthenics ab workouts in my opinion because the abdominal movement is one of the most important things in a gym and it’s very difficult to perform correctly without doing calisthenics properly.
Beginner Calisthenics Ab Workout:
Incline Plank – 3 sets 10 seconds
Lying Bent Knee Raises – 3 sets 8-10 reps
Hanging Bent Knee Raises – 3 sets 8-10 reps
Modified Hollow Body Holds – 3 sets 10 seconds
Advanced Calisthenics Ab Workout:
Long Lever Plank – 3 sets 20 seconds
Plank Walkouts – 3 sets 20 seconds
Toes To Bar – 3 sets 12-15 reps
Dragon Flags – 3 sets 20 seconds
Font lever Raises – 3 sets 12-15 reps
Final Thoughts
Calisthenics ab workout has become very famous nowadays due to the reason that it is a simple exercise routine and has helped many people to lose weight. In calisthenics ab workouts, the body gets the full force from the exercises.
You can easily use the movement for every person whether he is a man or woman. So try this now and let the results surprise you.
Balmer, N. J., Nevill, A. M. and Lane, A. M. 2005. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23: 409–416.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can you get abs from calisthenics?
Abs can be achieved through a variety of exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, leg raises, and many more. A person can build their abdominal muscles by exercising them daily. Therefore, the answer is yes.
How do I strengthen my core for calisthenics?
The core is the center of your body where you have your arms, legs, and torso all attached. The core helps you with breathing, posture, balance, and many other things. When doing crunches or sit-ups, you want to keep your core engaged and tight, not let it sag or collapse. To strengthen your core, try to do these exercises every day
How do you train lower abs for calisthenics?
The lower abs are the muscles that run from the base of the spine to the upper thighs. They work to pull the torso together and lift the hips. To train them, perform situps with your back straight, and hold the position. Alternate raising one leg and then the other. Do as many reps as you can, without losing the initial tension in your core. For even more variety, raise one foot
How long does it take to get abs with calisthenics?
The answer to this question will depend on how fit you are and how often you work out. Abs can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months depending on how much exercise you do and how hard you push yourself.
How often should you train in abs calisthenics?
The answer depends on how much exercise you do each week and what your goals are.